IDEA KNTC-I-3156 created - vote early and vote often!
We can’t take the risk of having users on the Kinetic UI, filling up the app servers with never ending processes, unfortunately. This seems to only apply for exports on tables larger than Excel’s 1.048M row limit, so testing on Epicor’s Demo Database won’t show the same result.
KNTC-I-3156: Kinetic Export to Excel - Limit Results To Prevent Frozen Tasks and Overloading App Servers
Please revert Kinetic’s export to excel behavior to be like classic, where it will export the records shown, not the entire table (if it has not been filtered). This will prevent overloading the app server with never-ending processes. Or hard code a max row limit of 1,048,575 records, so it doesn’t exceed Excel’s capabilities, and crash it.
If the user wants the full table, let them check an option to return all records, just the Classic UI.
In Kinetic 2022.2, if a user attempts Export to Excel a landing page grid from a large table exceeding Excel’s 1,048,576 max row limit (such as parts, jobs, job manager, customers, quotes, or orders if you have a large database and a lot of history), it will seem like Epicor did not process the request. They get the pop-up that the export was successful, the request goes to the system monitor where it stays as an active task forever (also ignoring the task agent time out setting). Clicking on the notification bar for the file doesn’t do anything, since the process never completed in the system monitor. Then the user will try the export to excel multiple times, since they did not get the save-as dialog box, further over loading the server with a massive process.
This behavior won’t happen in Epicor’s Demo Database, since the dataset is so small.
Further, clicking delete on this task in the system monitor does not delete it. You will need to request datafix ‘FX_Del_SysTaskTables.df’ to kill these stuck tasks every 6 weeks, since datafixes now expire.
Default behavior should not allow ordinary users to crash the app server with infinite duration processes.
Limiting the Kinetic UI export to excel to a max row limit will prevent users from overloading the app servers with infinite-duration processes, ultimately leading to the server bogging down and crashing. If Epicor crashes, shipments stop, leading to unhappy customers and lost revenue. Sales also stop, since the system is down and needs to be fixed by IT.
We won’t migrate our users to the Kinetic UI and run the risk of interrupting our business