Is anyone aware of a way to increase the frequency at which Kinetic will poll for report updates when run in a browser, from what I can tell it defaults to 30 seconds and I have not been able to find a configuration option anywhere for this unlike in the Classic System Monitor where you can change the default and priority polling intervals.
On a related note, does anyone know if the priority polling is still a thing in the Kinetic browser-based menus for 2023.1, in Classic my understanding of this option is that once a report is run it will priority poll more frequently to pick up the report rather than wait until the next long poll timing.
We are trialing the web menus and many of our users live or die by the Copy to Excel functionality which in Kinetic web views is now submitted to the task agent and so is at the mercy of the report polling which can be very annoying when compared to the immediate response in Classic of Right Click > Copy to Excel > Immediately opens in Excel vs Click Three Dots > Export to Excel > Excel sheet opens sometime in the next 30 seconds depending on how lucky you are.
We use the OData feeds in a handful of excel sheets at the moment for some specific BAQ’s however it’s not something I want to explore for all grids across Kinetic.
I understand that with 2022.1 or .2 that the Export to Excel option in Kinetic was pushed off to a backend task for most of the dashboards / grids across the system to bypass limitations within the browser however not having it trigger the priority polling or allow changing of these polling intervals for the browser versions seems like a bit of an oversight.
Browser or client, using the clipboard is not the most efficient way to transfer data, but polling has its limitations too:
For small grids, I use the Copy All with Headings and paste into Excel. For larger items, I’ll wait for the download, or like you, use the BAQSvc and OData for frequently used spreadsheets.