Testing 2023.1 and we don’t have Solution Workbench in the menu. Just Solution Type Maintenance. Is the workbench still around?
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Also, others are now groups:
Thanks, but I was set with the can create/can install options.
I think the issue is that there isn’t a browser-based Kinetic form available in 2023.1 (when I log into the client, I can see it).
I was trying to migrate to 2023.1 completely using the browser-based UI, as I was under the impression that all forms/tools were available.
Anyone know of a list of areas that are not yet migrated to 2023.1 browser-based UI?
Most of the ‘technical’ tools are non-existent or aren’t ready for prime time.
Data Directives
Solution Workbench
I don’t know of an official list, unfortunately.
BAQs and Method Directives have been fine. It looks like I’m only missing:
- Data Directives
- Functions
- Solution Workbench
This happened to us as well. I had to enter a case with EpiCare and they added the menus back for me.
I had to request the following… all were missing:
- UD Column Maintenance
- Extended Properties
- Conversion Workbench
- Solution Workbench
- Solution Type Maintenance
They never explained WHY they were missing, but they did turn them back on for us.
Crap, my apologies… I mis-understood. I thought these were missing menus all together… not just menus that hadn’t been “Kineticized” yet.