Been working on testing the upgrade from 2022.1 to 2023.1 and I have a function library that has been giving a bunch of issues. After finding a workaround to everything I thought I can now import and get no errors. However when I save a get a warning that method is restricted for custom code widget. We are on premise. Below is the error. Not sure what “Method is Restricted” means in this context of the function.
MakeTag.cs(881,16): warning ECF1001: The use of the ‘Ice.Tablesets.CompanyTableset Ice.Contracts.CompanySvcContract.GetByID(string company)’ method is restricted.
MakeTag.cs(885,5): warning ECF1001: The use of the ‘void Ice.Contracts.CompanySvcContract.Update(ref Ice.Tablesets.CompanyTableset ds)’ method is restricted.
The odd thing also is I was getting errors could not convert decimal? to decimal.
I traced it out to a specific widget. I had to delete that widget in a copy of the function in an early version and then add it back with the exact same expression and it worked fine.