Is there anyone out there that can send me the installation guide file? I
tried to DL it from the epicor site, but it would appear they have pulled it
for some reason and I was hoping to get the test database loaded this tech will check my mail tomorrow if there is anyone who can
send it to me I would greatly appreciate it!!
diane.rowberry@... TIA!!
Diane Rowberry
Westwood Precision, Inc.
(425) 742-7011 ex 43
(425) 290-9189 Fax
tried to DL it from the epicor site, but it would appear they have pulled it
for some reason and I was hoping to get the test database loaded this tech will check my mail tomorrow if there is anyone who can
send it to me I would greatly appreciate it!!
diane.rowberry@... TIA!!
Diane Rowberry
Westwood Precision, Inc.
(425) 742-7011 ex 43
(425) 290-9189 Fax