For some reason I was able to save the amount of space on the screen that
the tree structure takes up now so maybe this isn't as big of an issue as I
thought but I'm still curious what other people think about the new look.
Tim Goertz
the tree structure takes up now so maybe this isn't as big of an issue as I
thought but I'm still curious what other people think about the new look.
Tim Goertz
> -----Original Message-----[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> From: Tim Goertz
> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 9:19 AM
> To: Vantage One List (E-mail)
> Subject: 5.20.210 'tree' display in job tracker and job entry
> Not sure how many have moved to 5.20.210 yet or have seen it but job entry
> and job tracker have changed pretty dramatically and just wanted to get
> other peoples thoughts on it. When pulling up a job, the screen now
> displays the job in a BOM tree structure with some options to change the
> view which is kind of nice in some ways but the information displayed in
> the tree (which takes up 1/2 the screen - you can change it to make it
> take up less screen space but can't save that change) is really a repeat
> of the information displayed in the individual sections displayed on the
> other 1/2 of the screen. The biggest problem I see with it is that you can
> not see everything (job header, operations, and material - included the
> detailed information for each) all at once on one screen like you can
> prior to this version. You have to make sure you have clicked the assembly
> you want to look at first on the tree structure and then click into each
> section (job, operation, material) to get any information on it. In short,
> everyone who has seen it here in our test environment really dislikes it
> and I think it may be confusing for shop floor people to use it. I can see
> where the tree structure is helpful in BOM displays and realize some of it
> maybe be just getting used to the change but we are really feeling it's an
> unnecessary change for the worse in job entry and job tracker and feel the
> screens are unnecessarily cluttered. I thin a nice option would be to just
> have a button to click on the tree structure if you really wanted to see
> the job in that view but have the default view left as it was before
> 5.20.210. Just wanted to get others opinions.
> Tim Goertz