8.03 Server Considerations

John wrote:
>Is server 2008 std not supported? Apparently, the memory limit has been
>>changed from 8Gb to 32Gb. Saves spending money on the enterprise

At least with 2003 versions, one reason to spring for the Enterprise Edition is that it provided up to three licenses for VM machines. I think 2008 R2 is up to 4 virtual images. So if VM is in your plan, it may pay to get Enterprise.

Mark W.
We are still in testing phase for 8.03.408B, and we are considering upgrading our server, and one thing we are looking at is the memory. We are currently running 2003 server 32 bit Enterprise with 8 GB. We are looking at going to 12 or 16 GB of memory, which would require 64 bit 2003 server. However, I was just reading that 32 bit applications may run slower on 64 bit server 2003 because of the way that Microsoft emulates the 32 bit support. Since OpenEdge is 32 bit, could it possibly slow down if we upgrade to 2003 64 bit? Has anyone else had a chance to compare the two?

Also, we have 76 full clients and 17 data collection clients....do we really need more than 8 GB of memory?

Thanks in advance.

You should be able to go to 32GB of RAM with Server 2003 Enterprise, so the
OS shouldn't be a concern.

----- Original Message -----
From: "randyduly" <randy.duly@...>
To: <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 2:52 PM
Subject: [Vantage] 8.03 Server Considerations

> We are still in testing phase for 8.03.408B, and we are considering
> upgrading our server, and one thing we are looking at is the memory. We
> are currently running 2003 server 32 bit Enterprise with 8 GB. We are
> looking at going to 12 or 16 GB of memory, which would require 64 bit 2003
> server. However, I was just reading that 32 bit applications may run
> slower on 64 bit server 2003 because of the way that Microsoft emulates
> the 32 bit support. Since OpenEdge is 32 bit, could it possibly slow down
> if we upgrade to 2003 64 bit? Has anyone else had a chance to compare the
> two?
> Also, we have 76 full clients and 17 data collection clients....do we
> really need more than 8 GB of memory?
> Thanks in advance.
> ------------------------------------
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We've just implemented V.8.03.407 a couple of months ago. As of now we have 35 full licenses and 10 MES licenses.
When it comes to your ERP server (regardless of the brand) you do not want to go cheap. Reason being that if your company suddenly grows your server might not support all the new users. Besides, the last thing you'll need is to doubt your server performance. That being said, here are my suggestions:

· Go with the 32-bit version of Enterprise server: You will be able to add far more than 8GB of memory.

· Go with the 32-bit version of the Enterprise server: If you want to use ODBC drivers for MS-SQL or some other database for reporting you will have less trouble finding those drivers. ( I know from experience)

· Go with the 32-bit version of the Enterprise server: Memory is cheap these days so there is no reason not to cover you behind.

As a comparison our server is running on:

· 4 quad core processors

· Windows server 32-bit enterprise version (Enterprise versions allow you to go over the 4GB limit of the 32bit bus because it uses PAE)

· 32GB of memory

· 4 different physical hard drive partitions in RAID 1

o OS

o Application

o Database

o File Attachments
Some might say it's an overkill. But we wanted a server that can support any kind of growth (User, MRP Processing, Transactions, etc..).
I hope that helps.

Sébastien .-

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of randyduly
Sent: February-24-10 2:52 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 8.03 Server Considerations

We are still in testing phase for 8.03.408B, and we are considering upgrading our server, and one thing we are looking at is the memory. We are currently running 2003 server 32 bit Enterprise with 8 GB. We are looking at going to 12 or 16 GB of memory, which would require 64 bit 2003 server. However, I was just reading that 32 bit applications may run slower on 64 bit server 2003 because of the way that Microsoft emulates the 32 bit support. Since OpenEdge is 32 bit, could it possibly slow down if we upgrade to 2003 64 bit? Has anyone else had a chance to compare the two?

Also, we have 76 full clients and 17 data collection clients....do we really need more than 8 GB of memory?

Thanks in advance.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'd buy a server that will expand beyond the 8 GB....start with it and
see what happens...but at least if the server can be upgraded with RAM,
then it is not a big deal.

Besides it is the best and cheapest way to gain "speed" once your db
starts the slow down...and guaranteed it will slow down one day.

Maybe you said it in another way but how I understood it was to just
make sure that the "hardware" on your computer will support a 64-bit OS.
You can have a 32-bit OS on 64-bit hardware. That way you only upgrade
your OS when you need to expand the memory. Make sense? If not, ignore
my rambling on the OS part.

Where did you read about programs running slower on 64-bit if they are
made as 32-bit? I'm curious to read up on it.

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>


630.806.2000 ofc

630.806.2001 fax



From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of randyduly
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 1:52 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 8.03 Server Considerations

We are still in testing phase for 8.03.408B, and we are considering
upgrading our server, and one thing we are looking at is the memory. We
are currently running 2003 server 32 bit Enterprise with 8 GB. We are
looking at going to 12 or 16 GB of memory, which would require 64 bit
2003 server. However, I was just reading that 32 bit applications may
run slower on 64 bit server 2003 because of the way that Microsoft
emulates the 32 bit support. Since OpenEdge is 32 bit, could it possibly
slow down if we upgrade to 2003 64 bit? Has anyone else had a chance to
compare the two?

Also, we have 76 full clients and 17 data collection clients....do we
really need more than 8 GB of memory?

Thanks in advance.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thanks everyone...I didn't realize that PAE would allow 32 GB of memory. We will probably add more memory to our server right now then. However, is anyone using the /3GB swich in Server 2003 32-bit? I am not sure if OpenEdge will make use of this or not. Thanks.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "randyduly" <randy.duly@...> wrote:
> We are still in testing phase for 8.03.408B, and we are considering upgrading our server, and one thing we are looking at is the memory. We are currently running 2003 server 32 bit Enterprise with 8 GB. We are looking at going to 12 or 16 GB of memory, which would require 64 bit 2003 server. However, I was just reading that 32 bit applications may run slower on 64 bit server 2003 because of the way that Microsoft emulates the 32 bit support. Since OpenEdge is 32 bit, could it possibly slow down if we upgrade to 2003 64 bit? Has anyone else had a chance to compare the two?
> Also, we have 76 full clients and 17 data collection clients....do we really need more than 8 GB of memory?
> Thanks in advance.
32 Bit OpenEdge can only utilize 2GB for all of its running processes.

Michael Barry
Aspacia Systems Inc
312.803.0730 fax

This email, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this email, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify me by telephone and permanently delete the original and any copy of any email and any printout thereof.

On Feb 24, 2010, at 2:33 PM, randyduly wrote:

> Thanks everyone...I didn't realize that PAE would allow 32 GB of memory. We will probably add more memory to our server right now then. However, is anyone using the /3GB swich in Server 2003 32-bit? I am not sure if OpenEdge will make use of this or not. Thanks.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "randyduly" <randy.duly@...> wrote:
> >
> > We are still in testing phase for 8.03.408B, and we are considering upgrading our server, and one thing we are looking at is the memory. We are currently running 2003 server 32 bit Enterprise with 8 GB. We are looking at going to 12 or 16 GB of memory, which would require 64 bit 2003 server. However, I was just reading that 32 bit applications may run slower on 64 bit server 2003 because of the way that Microsoft emulates the 32 bit support. Since OpenEdge is 32 bit, could it possibly slow down if we upgrade to 2003 64 bit? Has anyone else had a chance to compare the two?
> >
> > Also, we have 76 full clients and 17 data collection clients....do we really need more than 8 GB of memory?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Is server 2008 std not supported? Apparently, the memory limit has been
changed from 8Gb to 32Gb. Saves spending money on the enterprise

John A. Hatcher

Manager of IS

Versa Products Co., Inc.

(201) 518-5948

(201) 843-2400 x4148

(201) 843-2931 (fax)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Additional information: We are on 8.03.407B SQL
and intending to go to SQL 2008 and Server 2008
but our understanding is that Open Edge is not
yet qualified on that configuration. Once that
state is achieved we will test E9.

Re Standard vs Enterprise...we have Standard but
will go with Enterprise to get the additional
memory capability and the tool set that comes
with Enterprise. TRACE is if particular interest
as we write reports against the SQL Db and avoid the Crystal hassle.

Bob Carlson
Flanagan Industries

At 08:44 AM 2/25/2010, you wrote:
>Is server 2008 std not supported? Apparently, the memory limit has been
>changed from 8Gb to 32Gb. Saves spending money on the enterprise
>John A. Hatcher
>Manager of IS
>Versa Products Co., Inc.
>(201) 518-5948
>(201) 843-2400 x4148
>(201) 843-2931 (fax)
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]