9.04/9.05 error - The given key was not present in the dictionar

We saw this error in our production database running 9.05.603 64-Bit. Support sent us a one off fix to address the issue. Here is the information on what the fix does:

Data Fix for Change Request 8937ESC - IM The given key was not present in the dictionary when launching different scre


Found that the UOM Conversion had created many records that contained either a Blank UOMCode or a Balnk UOMClassID.


UOMConv.Records Delete where UOMCode = ''

UOM.Records Delete where UOMCode = ''

UOM.Records Delete where UOMCode = ?

UOMClass.Records Delete where UOMClassID = ''

Part.IUM,PUM,SalesUM Update where empty populate with UOMClassID default

Thank you,

Lauren Hellings
Business Analyst
Cell: 832-472-1736
email: lauren.hellings@...<mailto:lauren.hellings@...>

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of jmkennedyj
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 1:00 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Re: 9.04/9.05 error - The given key was not present in the dictionary


Did you ever get this resolved on the 64 Bit server? It's only happening to me in the demonstration database...

Jim Kennedy
Firstmark Aerospace, Corp.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage%40yahoogroups.com>, "jendmp" <jmesiano@...<mailto:jmesiano@...>> wrote:
> We get this error 5 or 6 times when opening almost any our highly utilized programs (SO entry, Job entry). I have spent the last couple of weeks troubleshooting, running conversions, disabling/deleting customizations/personalizations to no avail.
> Epicor is scratching their heads on this one.
> We get the error in 9.04 64 bit and 9.05 64 bit HOWEVER, not in 9.05 32 bit.
> Has anyone seen this error and know how to fix it? We are scheduled to go live next Friday, but this is a show stopper.
> Jennifer Mesiano
> Walton Signage
> 210-933-1415

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We get this error 5 or 6 times when opening almost any our highly utilized programs (SO entry, Job entry). I have spent the last couple of weeks troubleshooting, running conversions, disabling/deleting customizations/personalizations to no avail.

Epicor is scratching their heads on this one.

We get the error in 9.04 64 bit and 9.05 64 bit HOWEVER, not in 9.05 32 bit.

Has anyone seen this error and know how to fix it? We are scheduled to go live next Friday, but this is a show stopper.

Jennifer Mesiano
Walton Signage

Did you ever get this resolved on the 64 Bit server? It's only happening to me in the demonstration database...

Jim Kennedy
Firstmark Aerospace, Corp.

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "jendmp" <jmesiano@...> wrote:
> We get this error 5 or 6 times when opening almost any our highly utilized programs (SO entry, Job entry). I have spent the last couple of weeks troubleshooting, running conversions, disabling/deleting customizations/personalizations to no avail.
> Epicor is scratching their heads on this one.
> We get the error in 9.04 64 bit and 9.05 64 bit HOWEVER, not in 9.05 32 bit.
> Has anyone seen this error and know how to fix it? We are scheduled to go live next Friday, but this is a show stopper.
> Jennifer Mesiano
> Walton Signage
> 210-933-1415