9.05.607 update conversion crash


You could check the vschmsql.dcd file in the clientserver\db\sql folder. The file contains SQL script names and a flag for needs to run/ran. If it's a test environment you're trying to set up you could try to keep going, but if you had problems with your conversion failing and find data issues later on there is always going to be a question if you shouldn't just have started the conversion over...


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I don't know if there are any helpful souls that check this on the weekend, but...

Our upgrade from 606 to 607 has stalled with the mandatory conversions failing immediately upon starting. They fail so quickly, that I wouldn't even say they are running.

64 bit SQL on Windows 2008 r2
Seperate db and app server

Is there a way to run them one at a time to see if we can get through? Admin tools closes as soon as it fails with the non descript error:
Conversion failed... Leaving Epicor

I can't get into admin tools to run anything manually.
If I can attempt to go further, I will.
If I can't see progress being made soon, I'm going to restore to 606 backups

Adam Long
We encountered the same thing and submitted the call below to Epicor Support while continuing the upgrade on a test server. After we find compelling reasons to upgrade, be it bug fixes or enhancements, then all department managers have to acknowledge they've tested the software and changed appropriate procedures before we do so.

1369123PSC Admin Tool Conversion Errors
Get two errors in Admin Tool Conversion from 9.05.606 to 9.05.607a SQL-Regular x32.

1. Error: Program D:/Epicor/Epicor905/Server/bo/PO/PO.r was compiled under another incompatible display environment.

2. Unable to locate BPM output folder in PROPATH.

And we ignore the one about Updatable Queries since we don't have any yet.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam" <paladinxc@...>
To: <vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 7:39 AM
Subject: [Vantage] 9.05.607 update conversion crash

>I don't know if there are any helpful souls that check this on the weekend, but...
> Our upgrade from 606 to 607 has stalled with the mandatory conversions failing immediately upon starting. They fail so quickly, that I wouldn't even say they are running.
> 64 bit SQL on Windows 2008 r2
> Seperate db and app server
> Is there a way to run them one at a time to see if we can get through? Admin tools closes as soon as it fails with the non descript error:
> Conversion failed... Leaving Epicor
> I can't get into admin tools to run anything manually.
> If I can attempt to go further, I will.
> If I can't see progress being made soon, I'm going to restore to 606 backups
> Adam Long
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