9.05.702A - Automating Billing Account number to be selected on

We ship 90% third party, so I wrote this to be sure we didn’t eat freight.


It is a post processing method directive on SalesOrder.ChangeShipToID







No conditions.


Execute ABL



/* get cust frt billing method */


For Each ttOrderHed Where ttOrderHed.Company = cur-comp,

                                Each ShipToMFBill where ttOrderHed.Company = ShipToMFBill.Company and ttorderHed.CustNum = ShipToMFBill.CustNum and ttorderhed.ShipToNum = ShiptoMFBill.ShipToNum.


                                Assign ttOrderHed.PayFlag = ShipToMFBill.PayBTFlag.

                                Assign ttorderhed.PayAccount = ShipToMFBill.PayAccount.







From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 3:25 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 9.05.702A - Automating Billing Account number to be selected on Sales Order



I called support the other day to report what I thought was a problem with the Billing Type and Account number on a sales order (under the Manifest Info > Billing tab). 


We have added several customers’ UPS and/or FedEx account numbers to their customer records in preparing for using Insite Manifest and were wondering why they didn’t automatically populate on the sales orders that we create for them.  To get the account number into the sales order, the order entry personnel have to select the proper billing type for the account number to populate. 


The support rep told me that is the way it works currently and there is an enhancement request but didn’t know when it was going to be worked on.  So I thought this could be done with a BPM.  H as anyone done this and would you be willing to share?  Thanks in advance!!


Bethany Rye
Epicor Business Analyst

PTI Engineered Plastics


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I called support the other day to report what I thought was a problem with the Billing Type and Account number on a sales order (under the Manifest Info > Billing tab). 


We have added several customers’ UPS and/or FedEx account numbers to their customer records in preparing for using Insite Manifest and were wondering why they didn’t automatically populate on the sales orders that we create for them.  To get the account number into the sales order, the order entry personnel have to select the proper billing type for the account number to populate. 


The support rep told me that is the way it works currently and there is an enhancement request but didn’t know when it was going to be worked on.  So I thought this could be done with a BPM.  Has anyone done this and would you be willing to share?  Thanks in advance!!


Bethany Rye
Epicor Business Analyst

PTI Engineered Plastics

Are you using ShipTo’s at all that are different from the primary sold to? Manifest Info is per shipto so if you have it set for the customer and then add a ship to it won’t load what you expect it to.


Joshua Giese



Direct:     920.593.8299

IT Dept:   920.437.6400 Ext. 337

Site ID:    27450-E905702A-SQL64

Wisconsin Converting, Inc.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 2:25 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] 9.05.702A - Automating Billing Account number to be selected on Sales Order



I called support the other day to report what I thought was a problem with the Billing Type and Account number on a sales order (under the Manifest Info > Billing tab). 


We have added several customers’ UPS and/or FedEx account numbers to their customer records in preparing for using Insite Manifest and were wondering why they didn’t automatically populate on the sales orders that we create for them.  To get the account number into the sales order, the order entry personnel have to select the proper billing type for the account number to populate. 


The support rep told me that is the way it works currently and there is an enhancement request but didn’t know when it was going to be worked on.  So I thought this could be done with a BPM.  Has anyone done this and would you be willing to share?  Thanks in advance!!


Bethany Rye
Epicor Business Analyst

PTI Engineered Plastics

I have tried it on the Ship To section in customer and then on the manifest info section only in customer.  Neither works.


Interesting. I wouldn’t hold out a lot of hope that it would be corrected in the near future. You should be able to create a BPM to load that info from the customer pretty easily. Check for an event on the change of the Billing Method using the trace. If there is nothing like an “OnChangeBillingMethod” that fires you will have to do it all in the UI which is kind of a bummer.


Joshua Giese



Direct:     920.593.8299

IT Dept:   920.437.6400 Ext. 337

Site ID:    27450-E905702A-SQL64

Wisconsin Converting, Inc.


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 2:47 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Vantage] 9.05.702A - Automating Billing Account number to be selected on Sales Order



I have tried it on the Ship To section in customer and then on the manifest info section only in customer.  Neither works.



Please see the attached email from our customer service department. Hopefully it can help.

Deirdre Sykes | Finance Supervisor
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dsykes@...<mailto:dsykes@...> | Phone: 630.590.8112 | Fax: 630.325.8197

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From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2015 2:55 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Vantage] 9.05.702A - Automating Billing Account number to be selected on Sales Order

Interesting. I wouldn’t hold out a lot of hope that it would be corrected in the near future. You should be able to create a BPM to load that info from the customer pretty easily. Check for an event on the change of the Billing Method using the trace. If there is nothing like an “OnChangeBillingMethod” that fires you will have to do it all in the UI which is kind of a bummer.

Joshua Giese

Direct: 920.593.8299
IT Dept: 920.437.6400 Ext. 337
Site ID: 27450-E905702A-SQL64
Wisconsin Converting, Inc.

From: vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com> [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Monday, June 8, 2015 2:47 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com<mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: RE: [Vantage] 9.05.702A - Automating Billing Account number to be selected on Sales Order

I have tried it on the Ship To section in customer and then on the manifest info section only in customer. Neither works.


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There are 3 things that happen when the rest of the customer information is populated to the order (Addresses, Ship Via, FOB, Terms, etc):  OnChangeofSoldToCreditCheck, ChangeSoldToID, and ChangeCustomer.  I was thinking that ChangeCustomer would be the one to use. 

I was wondering if anyone had written one already that they would be willing to share before I start working on it.
