I haven't looked at this Crystal Report, but I bet you would find that the field is not large enough to display the date in the longer format so it "chopped" off the last character.
From: richter_clements <richter_clements@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, October 21, 2009 8:50:55 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: A/P Checks not printing correct date format - Vantage 6.1
THANK YOU!!! I NEVER would have thought to look at a windows setting..... is this a bug in vantage not to print the last digit if format is mm/dd/yyy (because user prints 3 digit year...) I don't think I've ever seen any documentation mentioning the windows setting. Anyhow, she has lived with this for so long. She is soooo happy to have it corrected. Thanks again!!!!
From: richter_clements <richter_clements@...>
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wed, October 21, 2009 8:50:55 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: A/P Checks not printing correct date format - Vantage 6.1
THANK YOU!!! I NEVER would have thought to look at a windows setting..... is this a bug in vantage not to print the last digit if format is mm/dd/yyy (because user prints 3 digit year...) I don't think I've ever seen any documentation mentioning the windows setting. Anyhow, she has lived with this for so long. She is soooo happy to have it corrected. Thanks again!!!!
--- In vantage@yahoogroups .com, "Winter, Patrick" <pjw@...> wrote:
> On the client go under control panel / regional and language options /
> set the short date to mm/dd/yy
> Patrick Winter
> From: vantage@yahoogroups .com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf
> Of richter_clements
> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 3:10 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
> Subject: [Vantage] A/P Checks not printing correct date format - Vantage
> 6.1
> I have a user (USER X) that when she prints A/P checks from her PC - the
> date format is mm/dd/yyyy but the last y gets cut off.....if she prints
> from another PC (another USER Y who prints checks) - it prints in
> MM/DD/YY and prints just fine.....I've copied over the APTRAN and
> CHECKHED files from user Y's Vantage work directory but it doesn't
> correct the problem....must be a configuration file or report form on
> local machine of user X somewhere that I'm missing....any ideas?
> Any other files in local Vantage work file that need to be copied over?
> What controls the format of how the date is printed on these checks?
> It's any user on this local machine..... any user on USER Y machine works
> fine....
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