A sad day

Hey everyone,

Got some disappointing news last week. The higher ups have made a decision to not continue forward with our implementation of Epicor and we’re sticking with our ol’ faithful ERP instead. (sad trombone)

I’ve been working primarily on our Kinetic project in any way I could get my hands on for almost two years now, so it’s a bummer to not get to see all of the work realized in the long term especially when go-live was in sight.

However, I still plan to be present here and chime in where I can offer some support and hopefully continue to learn. I’m hopeful that at some point in the future I’ll work on Epicor/Kinetic again and in even more depth. I’d hate for all of the efforts I put into learning it to go to waste because it really is an awesome system that can do some really amazing things.

This was my first foray into the ERP world when I joined the company a couple years ago, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the development/SysAdmin side of things and coming up with solutions to tailor the system to our company specifically. All in all, it was a wonderful experience.

Also, a special shout out to all of you guys here for teaching me so much and being so helpful. Can’t imagine where I’d be had I not stumbled upon this forum and all of the resources and wonderful people that are here. It’s been a blast and this is easily the place where I learned the most and have developed some great relationships within the community. You guys rock!

A huge thank you to everyone and best wishes on your Epicor journey. May it be bug free and your EpicorIdeas get accepted and implemented. :wink:


What a gut punch.

On the bright side, the knowledge and experience you have gained along the way is much less Epicor specific than it may seem in the moment.

Most concepts and functionality are the same across all ERP systems, it’s just the ‘language’ that changes.

It’s like visiting different foreign countries. The language may seem unfamiliar, but you still know how to hail a cab, find a train, get to the hotel, etc.


Any reasoning you care share without starting too big of a :dumpster_fire: ?


Sorry to hear…had the same thing happen many years ago, scrapped an implementation entirely just before go-live. Long story short - there was a fundamental gap in functionality that we could not overcome (a) in a reasonable timeframe and (b) without extensive modifications. In hindsight it ended up being a wise choice…but still cost us all a lot of time and effort with no return on the investment. Hopefully some of what you saw in Kinetic can somehow be extended to the ERP you’re remaining on.



Well said. I felt sad when we switched ERPs a couple years ago but now, no big deal. The skills I gained living in the Epicor ecosystem have directly benefited me in our new ERP, technical and otherwise.


Dang, traitor badge? Or failed boot camp badge?

Kidding, would love to hear more and can relate.


Washout badge? lol

All joking aside that sucks @Steen


This is reassuring and I appreciate your looking at the bright side of the whole thing!

You’re definitely right though. I have a much better understanding of our current ERP and how things flow after working with Kinetic for the time that I did. (Our current one still sucks though, don’t get it twisted. :crazy_face:)

Thanks Garret, I appreciate it man!


Hahaha I was expecting this question for sure, everyone wants the tea :teapot:

I’ll provide a full response tomorrow because honestly I’d hope that our experience may be able to help other companies that are taking on an implementation of this scale.

There’s definitely some good takeaways even if I have to be a bit limited in what I can/can’t reveal.

Stay tuned!!


Can I get both???

Absolutely, happy to share more in the next few days!


I’ll be a well decorated Epicor vet at this rate :upside_down_face:

Thanks Jose, I appreciate it. At the end of the day what can ya do? We can only do our best and when priorities/perspectives change we just gotta keep rolling with it either way and roll with the punches.

I kinda liked getting punched by Kinetic though, it was a love hate most days. :rofl:


2 years in? Whoa, I’m so sorry.

Were you on Kinetic Cloud? I could understand some justification with all of the issues the latest releases have caused.

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Live look at my desk - I’m on the left

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Yep two years! I’d say we were realistically about 2-3 months out from going live comfortably. It was quite the surprise when we sat down for the meeting and the decision was made.

Yessir, we were on the Kinetic cloud. A lot of the issues that have been present in the past few releases definitely generated a lot of concern that we’d be unable to meet the go-live date we had set. We’d pushed it back probably 3-4 different times at that point so I guess the possibility of having to do so again caused enough of a ripple to pack it in for good. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Relatable. Now instead of getting beat up by the Kinetic monster I just get bullied by the ERP that should have been sunset 6 years ago monster instead. :rofl:


I know the feeling. We ran our last ERP package for 18+ years…and the one before that ran for 10+ years.

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Sad, but curious which legacy ERP are you continuing with and what were the features/capabilities you were hopping Kinetic would provide?


100% can relate, we went live and was using Kinetic for 6 months then the changed their mind, not to go back, but to change again!


Six months live and scrapped Kinetic?!? Yikes. Can’t imagine the hours and dollars lost…