Is there a setting that I am overlooking to add the dbo tables to the table list in BAQ Designer? Currently the only ones showing up are erp and ice.
Do you mean like the ud tables? Those are included automatically when you pull in its related table.
Not a ud table, we created a custom table that I am trying to use in the BAQ.
nm saw this was asked… what is a custom table?
When you say you made a custom table do you mean you setup a UD table (as in UD01, UD02) or do you mean you setup a custom table on the SQL server directly? I don’t think the latter is supported in any way.
You can’t do that.
Did you buy the SDK? That’s the only supported way I know where one could create a custom table.
Whatever it is, it was done before my time. Looks to me like a custom table, but could be wrong.
I am just trying to get the dbo schema tables to show up in the BAQ Designer, is that possible?
I have noticed on screen shots others have posted on thsis site the dbo schema does show up, why I am wondering if I need to update a setting or something.
There’s External BAQ functionality, which links to tables outside the data model.
Ok, I will look into that path.
To make your upgrades and maintenance easier, you might also want to consider moving that data into a UD## table.
Agreed, That is on my to do list.
This will also allow you to link to other ERP/ICE tables. By using the External BAQ, you won’t have access to those tables. – Sorry, this is only true if your External BAQ is in a different database.