Adding a field in a Crystal Report with Multiple lines

It sounds like it may be in the wrong section of the report. If it's only showing for the last part, it might be in a group footer, instead of the PO details group. On our PO report we have it in a PODetail group header. (This is for Vantage 6.1, but the reports should be similar).


From: idiabos@...
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 21:50:22 +0000
Subject: [Vantage] Adding a field in a Crystal Report with Multiple lines


Can someone please clue me in on what I am doing wrong. I am trying to modify the Purchase Order form to include the Manufacturers Part Number for each Part. I was able to bring in the field ok and it is bringing in the correct data. For example I print a PO for two materials. Both MfgPN's import correctly but only only the last record displays on the printed form. Because there are two lines on my PO I am expecting two MfgPNs but only the record for the last line shows up

Part Number Mfg Part Number
30001 121212
Part Number Mfg Part Number
30002 121212 ***Should be 343434***

Any clues on this? Thanks in advance!!


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Can someone please clue me in on what I am doing wrong. I am trying to modify the Purchase Order form to include the Manufacturers Part Number for each Part. I was able to bring in the field ok and it is bringing in the correct data. For example I print a PO for two materials. Both MfgPN's import correctly but only only the last record displays on the printed form. Because there are two lines on my PO I am expecting two MfgPNs but only the record for the last line shows up

Part Number Mfg Part Number
30001 121212
Part Number Mfg Part Number
30002 121212 ***Should be 343434***

Any clues on this? Thanks in advance!!
