I would like to add a List tab to the Time and Materials Invoice Review screen to show all the invoice lines in one grid.
T&M invoices can have many lines and it would be easier to review them in a grid as opposed to move line by line on the Lines tab.
I haven’t attempted this before, but I’m thinking it’s doable.
I was wondering if someone could provide a little guidance on what properties need to be set on the EpiUltraGrid to make this work.
I am looking to have the similar functionality as a standard List tab where I can make updates and the changes are saved as I move from line to line.
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Couple of ways depending on whether you want to be able to make changes or not. If so, build an updateable dashboard and embed it on a custom sheet. If not, create a BAQ for the information and set the DataSource of the EpiUltraGrid to the BAQ results.
I have done the former in Customer Shipments to show a list of open Sales Order Lines.
I’ve seen some quirkness with embedded dashboards in the past but I will give this a go.
The main issue I’ve run into are where the DB doesn’t always refresh when going from record to record, which in this case would mean going from invoice to invoice.
Epicor Applications Manager
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In the example, the GetOrderShipLines function is called in several locations so that the EpiUltraGrid is refreshed with the current data. This includes ShipHead_DataView_ListChanged, Form Load, Clear Form, Delete a ShipDtl record, etc. Any where a change is made that affects the data displayed, the function is called to refresh the data.
Thanks for all the feedback.
I ended up just binding the grid to the desired dataview to achieve this and it worked out great.
I did add a little code to disable the functionality on the grid if the user was to click the Delete key.
Epicor Applications Manager
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