Adding a UD Field in Epicor 9

Got it! Thanks bud!! I appreciate your response!

--- In, "cooner_55421" <cooner_55421@...> wrote:
> Do you have access to EpciWeb?
> The guides are available for download FINALLY.
> Anyway, in E9 they changed the Customization tools dialog.
> Now you have to look for the row "EpiBinding"
> Click on it and the tables/fields dropdown will activate.
> --- In, "dciepicor" <dciepicor@> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Does anyone know how to tie a UD Field on an Epico 9 form to a particular value like Number01? In Vantage 8 it was a simple drop down box that you could choose the Table and Field. Anyone have a spare user guide they could flip me? Thanks in advance!
> >
> > -Sal
> >

Does anyone know how to tie a UD Field on an Epico 9 form to a particular value like Number01? In Vantage 8 it was a simple drop down box that you could choose the Table and Field. Anyone have a spare user guide they could flip me? Thanks in advance!
