HI, I have developed BAQ where average quantity of weeks are calculated. I have provided 6 weeks Inventory Usage Quantity Column like Week 1,Week 2,Week3,Week4,Week5,Week6. Dashboard also developed based on 6 weeks average. Now would like to see if there is any option that users could select particular weeks for average ? For example. If they would like to see average of Week4,week3,week 1. Can they select those 3 weeks through BAQ or Dashboard and result average will be based on selection ? Let me know if this is possible.
It can be done. Should it?
That is if I am understanding you correctly. You want a dynamic number of columns?
You have to do some bpm intercepting, but even then, it being in a dashboard complicates things.
I think if I was going to do this, I would make a set number of columns, catch my inputs, and move the data in post in an advanced BAQ BPM, to the set columns.
HI Kevin, Thanks for the suggestions. So we could not simply do this via BAQ or Dashboard right ?.
I’m still not sure exactly what you are asking, could you expand on it?
Re-reading it, sounds more like you would want to select particular weeks and average.
If that’s what it is, then that sounds like a much less daunting task.
HI Kevin,
Probably I was not clear last time.
So I have past 6 weeks inventory usage calculation done through BAQ. Average was calculated for 6weeks. But sometimes users may want to decide weeks they wanted to calculate average for. For example instead of 6 week average, they need last 4 or last 3 or it could be any weeks not in sequence like average of 6th,4th,3rd,1st. So thought its better user select the weeks they wanted to calculate average either through input parameter of column in BAQ or any toolbox through Dashboard.
Oh, that’s not that bad.
If you want to use a bit of code, you could add a parameter, maybe separated with commas, and have them type them in. Catch that in post processing and fill in an average calc field there.
This could also probably be done in sql in a calculated field, no c# needed.
Forgot what it’s called but there is a list type parameter too where you can pass a list.
Or you could add filters with checkboxes, and pull out the filters in code too.
Probably several other ways to do this.
Good to know we could do this. let me try using list items in BAQ…Thank you for all your suggestions