Adding FKV locks up Epicor

Hi All - We are running 10.2.600.25, and I have successfully set up FKV’s before. This time has me stumped though.
What I’m trying to do is set up a field in Project/Checklist tasks that returns the End Date of the Project. This will then be used with a ud field to calculate the due date of the task. All things I’ve done before. I added a field and bound it to the project.enddate, but have discovered that it only displays the end date, the ud field doesn’t actually hold the value in the database, so the calculation doesn’t work. Ok then. My next thought was to create a fkv and stv to bring in the value from the project table. Following the exact steps I’ve done in the past results in Epicor locking up completely as soon as I enter a project id on the main screen and tabbing. Here’s screenshots of the setup:
I should note that I’ve tried data directives, BPMs, methods and every other trick in the book, but I seem limited to values that already exist in the target table. My C skills are rudimentary at best, so there may be a way to do this that I don’t know/understand.
Any guidance you experts can provide would be very appreciated! Thanks!