Adding Like UD columns

This may be a simple question, but I can’t seem to figure it out.

I have added a UD column in PODetail that can be used as a comment field for different lines, and I have synced that with the database. I would now like to add this same column to RcvDtl, so that I can add it to the Receipt Entry form. This would allow them to see this comment from the PO when they receive it. How do I go about this?

I see there is a ‘Like:’ field but what do enter? It keeps saying ‘Like is not valid’ when I enter PODetail as the table. What am I supposed to enter into these fields in order to link the fields from these tables?

Do you really need to store the PO comment with the RcvDtl? Or are you just rying to make it so you can show the PO comment in the Receipt Entry?

I have added a separate UD column to use as a Comment field as we do not want the this type of comment to show elsewhere (ex: PO Form). How do I show this UD field on Receipt Entry if it is in the PODetail_UD table? It is separate than the POComment field that is already built in.

How do you want it to show? As a tab under the Lines, like:


It really isnt the PO Comment section as we are creating a separate UD field to use because we want it to use for something else (Maybe we should change the name to avoid confusion).

I think I was able to accomplish this by adding two Custom Views (POHeader and PODetail) in Data Tools in the customization which allowed me to access the UD fields from the PO tables. I then showed these in textboxes on the Header and Lines sheets. (I also added a custom PO Code field on the header)

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