I am trying to add a post process BPM to place items in nonconforming after Erp.ReceiptsFromMfg.ReceiveMfgPartToInventory. I have to do an External dll since a table name is shared by the 2 BOs. I have Created the dll and when I try and test, nothing is happening. Is there some way to see the errors or to see what may be happening. Here is the code I have. Not sure what I need to do to correct.
public void ReceiveMfgPartToInventory(
Erp.Tablesets.ReceiptsFromMfgTableset ds,
ref System.Decimal pdSerialNoQty,
ref System.Boolean plNegQtyAction,
ref System.String pcMessage,
ref System.String pcPartTranPKs,
ref System.String pcProcessID,
Ice.Tablesets.ContextTableset context)
foreach (var row in ds.PartTran)
string whs = "Seymour";
string RowMod = "A";
string ReasonCode = "";
string PartNumber = row.PartNum;
decimal Qty = row.QtyCompleted;
string EmpID = "";
string Lot = row.LotNum;
string Bin = row.BinNum;
string UOM = row.UM;
string Revision = row.RevisionNum;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReasonCode))
ReasonCode = "QAR";
EmpID = "07517";
var nonConfBO = Ice.Assemblies.ServiceRenderer.GetService<Erp.Contracts.NonConfSvcContract>();
var nonDS = nonConfBO.AddNonConf("Inventory");
nonDS.NonConf[0].ReasonCode = ReasonCode;
nonDS.NonConf[0].PartNum = PartNumber;
nonDS.NonConf[0].Quantity = Qty;
nonDS.NonConf[0].EmpID = EmpID;
nonDS.NonConf[0].LotNum = Lot;
nonDS.NonConf[0].WarehouseCode = whs;
nonDS.NonConf[0].BinNum = Bin;
nonDS.NonConf[0].ToWarehouseCode = whs;
nonDS.NonConf[0].ToBinNum = Bin;
nonDS.NonConf[0].ScrapUM = UOM;
nonDS.NonConf[0].RevisionNum = Revision;
nonDS.NonConf[0].RowMod = RowMod;
bool requiresUserInput = false;
string binWarning = "";
nonConfBO.PreUpdate(ref nonDS, out requiresUserInput, out binWarning);
nonConfBO.Update(ref nonDS);