Adding unrelated tables

Will do. Thank you much.

Hello group. Is there a way to add a table to a module? What I am trying to achieve is the ability to look up a PO number on the Corrective Action screen. My users want PO numbers and Suppliers added to the Corrective action as fields. Am I making sense? I may not know the right way to ask this. Thank you for any response.

Embed a dashboard

On Sep 3, 2015 8:36 AM, "michael.cromer@... [vantage]" <> wrote:

  <p><p><span>Hello group. Is there a way to add a table to a module? What I am trying to achieve is the ability to look up a PO number on the Corrective Action screen. My users want PO numbers and Suppliers added to the Corrective action as fields. Am I making sense? I may not know the right way to ask this. Thank you for any response.</span></p>


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Ok. I'm afraid I don't understand. I know how to add a dashboard to a sheet but how will that create a relationship between the corrective action and a PO? My users want two fields added to the corrective action 1. being the PO number if it is applicable, and 2. the supplier that PO was written to. I imagined a field that would would let the user pick the PO number and the supplier Name would come along for the ride and these two fields would become a permanent record on the corrective action record. Does that make sense?
ah you were saying un-related table... what you mean was you want new fields added to a table that's already there.
If you are in 9x all tables have Char, ShortChar, Number, Date and ChecBox fields that can be used to store "additional" information.
If you in E10 you can add your own fields to any table via the Extended UD Maintenance

Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 10:22 AM, michael.cromer@... [vantage] <> wrote:

  <p>Ok. I&#39;m afraid I don&#39;t understand. I know how to add a dashboard to a sheet but how will that create a relationship between the corrective action and a PO? My users want two fields added to the corrective action 1. being the PO number if it is applicable, and 2. the supplier that PO was written to. I imagined a field that would would let the user pick the PO number and the supplier Name would come along for the ride and these two fields would become a permanent record on the corrective action record. Does that make sense?</p>

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I understand that. I could dedicate a shortchar for the PO field and Supplier name. If you are in the corrective action, how can I dedicate a field to "lookup" the PO table? Much like a search button if you will. Thanks for responding Jose.
You can set the Extended Properties (in utilities) Like Colkumn to point to POHeader. PONum
that will give you an Open With / Search With automatically upon right click.
If you want a button you'lll have to use a Simple Search Wizaard within the Customization Mode.

Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 11:47 AM, michael.cromer@... [vantage] <> wrote:

  <p>I understand that. I could dedicate a shortchar for the PO field and Supplier name. If you are in the corrective action, how can I dedicate a field to &quot;lookup&quot; the PO table? Much like a search button if you will. Thanks for responding Jose.</p>

</div><span class="ygrps-yiv-1405559532">

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I have never used the Extended properties Maintenance. How do I know what dataset Table ID to pick? Thanks again
I have never used the Extended properties Maintenance. How do I know what dataset Table ID to pick? Thanks again

Based on the questions you are asking, this might be something a bit above your current skill level you might want to enlist a consultant of your choosing to help out with this. It’s too hard to walk through via the user group and it will only frustrate both parties. If you want a consultant to reach out from here just ask them to PM you otherwise do some quick google searching and you’ll find several.


Joshua Giese



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Wisconsin Converting, Inc.


From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Re: Adding unrelated tables



I have never used the Extended properties Maintenance. How do I know what dataset Table ID to pick? Thanks again

Not intending to start a flame war here at all!! I think what josh is trying to say is that there may be some more homework you can do on your end to get you to the point where the help you need could be made a bit more practical for everyone’s limited time. I’m not sure if you posted the version you’re on, but there’s quite a bit of Epicor supplied documentation out there to get you closer, where if you’re only slightly stuck, it’s much more easy to get you the rest of the way there. Hopefully I didn’t speak out of turn for him. If I did Josh, too bad ☺

Rob Bucek
Production Control Manager
D&S Manufacturing
301 E. Main St. | PO Box 279
Black River Falls, WI 54615
715-284-5376 Ext. 311
Mobile: 715-896-3119

From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2015 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Re: Adding unrelated tables

So what you are telling me is that as soon as I ask a difficult question I should not use the group?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Understood. Thank you all for your responses and consideration.
What version of Epicor are you on?

Start by reading / looking at theÂ
Ice Customization Guide
and theÂ
Ice Tools Guide

These books will show you how to add custom fields to screens (page 271 in the Customization Guide )

Here are the links for E10, the E9 ebooks are also available in EpicWeb

You should learn about Tracing, about what BPMs , BAQs, Customizations, Worlfows, UBAQs are and how / when to use them. Use the right tool for the right job etc. Epicor doesn't have a lot of Advanced Documentation but what you are asking is fairly standard and you should be able to do with these guides. If once you get through the guides you get stuck trying to do your own or you have questions, we are here to help as much as we can.


Jose C Gomez
Software Engineer

T: 904.469.1524 mobile

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 2:17 PM, michael.cromer@... [vantage] <> wrote:



<div style="color:#fff;min-height:0;"></div>

I am on 905.701. I have these manuals you suggested from EpicWeb. I have gone through them. I will go through them again. Hopefully I will have a better understanding of this very complicated system and be able to ask specific questions. I guess the issue I have is where do you learn about tracing and all the options? What do the traces mean? Where do learn about what business objects actually are? ETC.... Maybe I just didn't pick up on some things but Epicor documentation is very vague at times. I guess thats why the users groups exist. Thank you for your responses Jose. 

>>go through them again... complicated system
Epicor does offers customization courses occasionally - would be a great time saver if you're just starting out.

I started with manuals, Epicor ICE User Experience and Customization Guide - Parts 1 and 2
These  present the principals but rarely have the exact steps for what I'm trying to accomplish.
Searching epicweb answerbooks by "CUST" located some basic, specific examples too.

Good luck...
Also check out the group file below

Files --> version 9.0 files --> Cust CorAct - Lookup buttons and UD

The zip includes a very simple customization for the corrective action form.
- "lookup" buttons for part/vendor
- populates UD fields
- with import/deploy instructions