I am adjusting the height of the ‘Text’ field on the CRM Call screen. The field is defined as nvarchar(1000) and the field on that form is formatted for 16,000 characters. Immediately below that field are two other fields (Call Type, Owner). When I shrink the field and then save it and then exit Epicor, next time I log into Epicor that field has reverted back to the old height, which covers Call Type and Owner. I am intentional about making sure that the version of the form/customization I’m editing is the same as the one called from the menu. Is there something I should check, or is this a known problem.
In some cases I’ve gone into developer mode, Custom XML Editor, Custom Properties sheet.
There I can usually locate rows that are “stuck” with bad sizes and position values - that short circuit values entered thru the Property sheet.
If I delete the row(s) from Custom Properties, save the customization, exit re-open, then things are usually back to normal. Not quite sure how/why they get out of whack.
Turns out that the increase in size to Call Text is due to the addition of another text field, which displays history of the Call Text data. The addition of this field is due to a Customization, not Personalization. I was hoping to leave that additional field on that form. Otherwise, the only way to see changes to call text is to open a BAQ against that field for a particular customer and a call number.