Oh and it is very, very highly recommended that you hang out for the latest APM (doc-link 2.7) as this permits setting the Sender of the email equal to some document property. This way your PO email can go out with a Sender Address of the PO Buyer Email which is helpfully already printed on the PO. In the past, the Sender of every email generated by doc-link was donotreply@... which was set at the doc-link system-level.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Fiedler" <alex@...> wrote:
> How do you mass-print PO's BTW? If you have a way then you need to ensure that you define in APM a decollation document property, i.e. a document property which is present on every page, and which changes when you have a new document. In your case of course it will be the PO number for which you can use the existing "Document Number" master property in APM.
> The delivery method should also be present on every page. In practice this is best put on the page footer.
> Use a character field e.g. Supplier.Character01 and ensure that you set it to either "Hardcopy","Fax" or "Email". Then make sure the report data definition for POForm sends this, and that the Crystal report displays it on the bottom of the page.
> Finally ensure that you create a routing list for each delivery method, with the appropriate filter condition.
> The routing list group in turn would use the appropriate Recipient. It's best to have a recipient for each document type and delivery method so you can customise the header text of the email/fax.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "cooner_55421" <cooner_55421@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to manage/automate processing of POs while mass printing.
> > Group/sort the POs and then select a delivery method.
> >
> > I'm wondering if APM might take care of these?
> > I found out we have APM, but never used it.
> > I have an install guide only, no examples of its use.
> >
> > Thanks
> >