Alternate Method on Sales Order

Does anyone know if you can make an alternate method selection somewhere in a Sales Order line?

Thanks in Advance.


Hi Miguel,

We have alternate methods too. We have not found a way to do this.


Hello Nancy,

Please tell me your process?
How many alternate methods do you have on a given part?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Miguel,

We only have a single alternate method when we use them. It usually has to do with desire to sometimes mfr in our other site or desire to subcontract something out. Our planning or engineering personnel make the call when firming or creating jobs at which time they can pull details for alternate if desired. Disappointingly for us, MRP will not use the alternate method at all. It would be nice if a sales order release is for our other plant, then MRP would use approved alternate method for the other plant. It doesn’t.



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