The current use we are trying to use it for is to create a supplier portal. We bought the supplier portal content package, not that much of it was all that useful beyond reference material. Once we were able to get portal to be stable custom views were made. We are currently trying to implement a requirement table, where suppliers could log in and download a requirement table for a specified time period.
--- In, "Brian W. Spolarich " <bspolarich@...> wrote:
> We bought the stack as well. I use the portal for little stuff here
> and there, but haven't found enough of a business case or demand for the
> MSOffice integrations.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Mark Wonsil
> Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 11:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vantage] Any Epicor Portal Users
> > Just a curiousity how many Epicor Portal users are out there. Also if
> there could be any trading of tips,
> > questions, & advice with perhaps a more specialized list of contacts
> to create close ties to answer each
> > other questions.
> We bought the Productivity Pyramid which includes the Portal but we
> didn't know that you had to have a full license of SQL Server to run
> it on Vantage/Epicor versions up to 9.04. With 9.05 and the
> introduction of updatable BAQs, this requirement seems to have gone
> away. Put us on your list. In addition to the paid support site at
> Epicor, the EUG site might also have a section for Portal users.
> Mark W.
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