Any way to add Plant as a filter on the Open PO report?

We’re using the Multi-Site module, and people (at different sites/plants) want to run the Open PO report, but just for PO’s entered at their site(plant).

It doesn’t look like the POHeader table references the site the PO was created in.

Any ideas? (short of adding a custom field, and plugging in the PlantID when the PO is created)

Like sales orders, POs keep all the important location information (plant, ship-to, dropship, etc) at the PO Release level (thus, PORel.Plant in the DB). Often, your business will have all of the lines/releases on a PO have those fields the same, but it is there for a reason. Another business might have one person do the purchasing for several plants from one vendor on one PO.

Thanks. I stopped looking too soon. I only looked in the PODetails.