Anyone else need local Crystal Reports training? (S urvey quest

Yes, we would love to have local training here in the great white north

-----Original Message-----
From: kblaine@... [mailto:kblaine@...]
Sent: May 25, 2001 1:17 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Anyone else need local Crystal Reports training?
(Survey question)


The Detroit Area Vantage Users group has been informed that if we want the
Epicor version of Crystal Reports training (and we definitely do), we will
all have to travel to another state to get it, and pay travel expenses on
top of that. We've looked at renting local training centers, borrowing
equipment for a makeshift classroom, etc. but the additional cost and
inconvenience doesn't make that an appealing option.

We can get generic training for Crystal at nearly half the cost of Epicor's
version at local training centers, but we really would like the Epicor-based

We're pretty sure we're not the only regional area affected by this policy,
but I'd like to hear from others. What I'd like to know from the members of
this list is,

1) Would your company like to see Epicor develop no-travel alternatives to
training classes held at their official sites only ( classrooms,
traveling classrooms with laptops,etc)? YES or NO

2) Would your company be more likely to purchase training if it were held in
your local area? YES or NO

If you would please send your replies to kblaine@... OFF-LIST (no
sense cluttering up the Onelist), I will post the results in a few weeks.

Karen Blaine
Detroit Area Vantage Users Group

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