Just wondering if anyone is using Phocas? If so what parts of your business if finding it the most useful?
Epicor is using Phocas isnt that their Epicor Data Analytics Engine. I read somewhere that they partnered with Phocas for EDD.
Do you mean Data Discovery?
That is interesting…We are using it with our old system and in the process of merging things together.
But I was curious, and didn’t know that Phocas was the bones of the EDD.
They say EDA =) https://www.epicor.com/erp-systems/epicor-erp/business-intelligence-and-analytics.aspx
Why did that happen? Answer this crucial question with greater speed and ease with Epicor Data Analytics (EDA), powered by Phocas. EDA takes you on a unique, intuitive journey of information discovery through large data sets.
I guess its EDA. Introducing Epicor Data Analytics (EDA) | Epicor U.S.
Since I have been looking at this solution EDA and EDD are two different products as EDD is more dashboards in Epicor created to be a modern look but is not really a BI tool. EDA along with Phocas fills in that gap. We have placed this implementation on hold right now as we are using Domo as our BI platform but I will go back to EDA and Jet Global (leaning more towards Jet though).
Eda - Overview
Jet → Overview
Power BI all the way! I demoed EDA but it was so pricey and not as impressive as some of the others, and Power BI specifically. I think you are really paying for the content more than anything since you would need to build from scratch on Power BI. It is super easy with REST and BAQs though…
Anyways, since we are using O365 and it only cost $10/mo it was a no brainier for us. What you are looking for may be different than what we wanted though.
@Mike How are rest with Power BI? You have me intrigued by this. We are using a product now called Domo, and it’s good but does a hefty price tag. One factor I liked about Phocas (EDA) or Jet Global is the data warehouse component. With Rest and BAQ I would be concerned with pulling back 3/4 years od data for some visualizations. I am just learning more about this part now. Are you connecting to the SaaS? We have the office365 licensee as well.
Rest works great for how I am using it, but most of the BAQs I have it pulling are 20k rows or less. Not sure how it would stand up with more than that. When I want to go back very far, I will maybe do two visualizations next to each other with the underlying data more aggregated for the viz that goes back many years and then the viz that is for the current year has the detail in case someone needs to drill down. So maybe orders total by rep by month for the last 5 years. Then for the current year, I would have the under data under the viz include by order, by part, by customer, by state…
Anyways, then I just schedule the BAQ to refresh a few times a day in PowerBI. Zero issues for the year and a half we’ve used it. I would just take the biggest query you would run and try it. It is super quick to set up. If you find you need a data warehouse, you can pull from that for PowerBI also. It would be on you to set it up and maintain though which is probably one of the main benefits of EDA, but your definitely paying for it.
We were in Epicor’s “private cloud” or single tenant or whatever you want to call it until a month ago. We are in Azure now, but in our own tenant, not SaaS.
Anyways, I would just buy yourself a $10/mo license and give it a try. If you are on E5 then it is included.