We are testing 10.2.300.0 and my Accounitng Manager is trying to use Payment Entry and she keeps gettig the error “Object reference not set an instance of an object." Ideas on why?
Check if she has a personalization for that screen and delete it.
after you remove the personalization try clearing the cache manually or in Epicor. We have had a few issues with that on 10.2.300. Also check for Personalizations in 2 places…I had a wonky issue where I did not see it in Purge personalizations but showed up in Customization Maintenance (unless I just missed it)
How do i delete it from Customization/Personalization Maint?
Open up Customization Maintenance
Search the following
Starting At : user id of person you want to check
Type: Personalizations
Once your seach returns select all the ones from that user
Then in the tree view you can click on each on and delete…just make sure you get the right one.