APM AR invoice Email/Print

I have my second routing list set up to Documents mathing these criteria.

I have it as not in the format of *@*
however it is not recognizing them.
I tried is not equal to *@* and it printed the ones with email and scheduled non email ones to email???

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "bw2868bond" <bwalker@...> wrote:
> Off the top of the head......
> 2 different Routing lists for the PO Document type
> set a filter on the Primary Email Address field if it contains @ then route through email the other where it is [Blank] route to printer
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@> wrote:
> >
> > We did our first batch of live invoicing using APM. We have it set up to email the primary email & also have an output method to print so if a receipient could not be found to email it would print. The problem I am having is it seems it is taking a blank email and assuming that is a receipient. The ones with email went fine, but the ones without did not print. Any tips on making this work the correct way?
> > We want to print all invoices to the APM printer & if they do not have an email address to print to a printer.
> >
We did our first batch of live invoicing using APM. We have it set up to email the primary email & also have an output method to print so if a receipient could not be found to email it would print. The problem I am having is it seems it is taking a blank email and assuming that is a receipient. The ones with email went fine, but the ones without did not print. Any tips on making this work the correct way?
We want to print all invoices to the APM printer & if they do not have an email address to print to a printer.
Off the top of the head......
2 different Routing lists for the PO Document type
set a filter on the Primary Email Address field if it contains @ then route through email the other where it is [Blank] route to printer

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
> We did our first batch of live invoicing using APM. We have it set up to email the primary email & also have an output method to print so if a receipient could not be found to email it would print. The problem I am having is it seems it is taking a blank email and assuming that is a receipient. The ones with email went fine, but the ones without did not print. Any tips on making this work the correct way?
> We want to print all invoices to the APM printer & if they do not have an email address to print to a printer.
Hi Michael,

We do exactly this for AR invoices and statements. I'm not saying this is the best method, but it's working for us:

* We have a customisation (ShortChar01) on Customer Maintenance which is set to Fax / Email / Print depending on the customers preference
* We've customised the ARForm to show one of: "Email: xxx@..." or "FAX: ######" or "PRINT", in different places at the top of each invoice, depending on the contents of ShortChar01
* We then have a single Document Type setup in APM and three Routing Lists - fax/email/print.

As I said, there may be simpler methods but this works fine.



--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
> We did our first batch of live invoicing using APM. We have it set up to email the primary email & also have an output method to print so if a receipient could not be found to email it would print. The problem I am having is it seems it is taking a blank email and assuming that is a receipient. The ones with email went fine, but the ones without did not print. Any tips on making this work the correct way?
> We want to print all invoices to the APM printer & if they do not have an email address to print to a printer.