Apparently Random SSRS 404 Error

We are in the process of migrating to Kinetic 2022.2. It is a new installation, new VM’s, new install, just migrating DB over. We have just completed 2 weeks of UAT and everything seems fine except for one issue we can’t seem to overcome.

We randomly get a 404 error when we print SSRS reports.


From Kinetic, we can print the reports 5 times (same or different) and 1 of out of 5 will fail with a 404 error. The issue is repeatable with any SSRS report from Kinetic, standard report and custom. The duration between each print request does not seem to matter. It can be 10 sec to 10 min and the 404 can still occur.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Problem Solved.

It turns out it was because we had one app server that did not have ssrs configured. Not sure why that really makes a different but it does.

In our setup:
Server #1 (Live app/agent)
Server #2 (pilot & test app/agent)
Server #3 (integrated services app/agent) (points to live DB)
Server #4 (SQL)
Server #5 (SSRS)

We had #1 and #2 configured with SSRS but did not have #3 configured since it did not need it, so we thought. Everyone that did UAT was using #1. The 404 was intermittent for everyone.

Adding Configuration the SSRS on #3 solved our issue.

Shoutout to @spatel2 & @Vitesse for the help.



Thanks for posting the solution!