Application Studio - Field optimization

Hello peers
I am looking to optimize the perfomance of a modification I did. In the AP Invoice Entry Line, I added a jobnum Combo Box to add a job number on which the cost of the invoice will be applied.

I used a “Reusable Combo” for the job selection (JobEntry.JobEntryCombo), which works. Job can be selected and saved to my UD field APInvDtl.JobNum_c.

However, I find it is slow to select and confirm the job when using the window. Is there a better way to achieve what we need?

I did the same with a ComboBox to select a Project ID and although it is a bit slow, It goes faster than JobNum, surely because of the amount of records in the system.

Any tips on improving the performance would be appreciated.

If you haven’t yet, you could add a parameter to your combo where JobClosed = false.

This would shrink down the returned results to only open jobs (assuming you would/should/could only be adding invoices to open jobs anyway).

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yes, this would have definately help, but at the invoicing stage, the job is most likely closed already. we have an auto-complete/closing running at 4am every day. If the job is shipped and all is well with the job (approved time, material in stock, etc), the job is closed automatically.

Wellll… :poop:

Would a textbox/search job lookup be better functionality instead of a combobox?

If they KNOW the job, they can just type it in. Otherwise the user can do a job search and filter, etc. to find what they’re looking for?

Not sure how that impacts overall SPEED since there’s more clicking and searching etc.

What exactly do you mean by:

takes about 20-30 seconds to load the list or if you paste the job number and wait for the system to confirm the job number is correct.
I am working on the Kinetic interface. in the classic interface it was only a text box. However, doing that transition, I am trying to improve other aspect like entry errors.

Your parameter idea gave me an idea for the release date being less than a year for example. I will test it out.

I ended up doing a BAQ that contains jobs not older than 365 days as a start date. Not ideal, but I tried a few things with parameters and filters and could not make it work. I am having a hard time finding documentation on those fields.