We’re having issues with how to apply an unapplied receipt in AR. We received a large sum of cash, had to get it in but the summary didn’t match completely to the invoices the customer was paying, so ended up posting as “unapplied receipts.” Now we’re trying to clean this up and are unable to apply the cash. Please advise steps to do so as what was suggested isn’t working. Thank you in advance. p.s. FYI the unapplied cash is showing as separate credits on the AR almost as if they were credit memos but showing invoice number and UR behind it (i.e. 10609 UR).
update - I think I may have figured it out - basically it’s applying a credit memo…hope I’m right and it’s that easy…thanks
That’s how I’ve treated it in the past.
I believe you also need to take care when you apply the UR/credit memo
IF you are NOT applying ALL of the funds
to ensure set the AMOUNT TO APPLY field in the summary section
to that total you wish to apply (which is less then the total UR balance)
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Thank you everyone…