We use APR to send out customer invoices. When doing so, is there a way to add associated Pack Slips to the email without having the DocStar module?.. (for documents I only see “Take DocStar Attachment” and “Add DocStar Attachment”)
You have to store the pack slip somewhere to add it to the invoice that is emailed. DocStar would be your document repository where you can add the stored pack slip form. I don’t see any other options in APR than to use the Take DocStar Attachment function to add a document.
Kristen, do you have an example of how one would use the “Add DocStar Attachment” without DocStar? I am also interested in this functionality but we do not have DocStar. If it’s possible to store the file somewhere on the server and have this program see it/grab it, that would be awesome.
@Aaron_Moreng - I don’t think you can use Add DocStar Attachment if you don’t have DocStar. At least I haven’t found a way. That would be a question for support. We currently have DocStar to use as a document repository to replace APM since it is not supported anymore. We are not using any of the AP automation functionality DocStar can give us - that is next years project.
It’s kind of a hack, but you could make a RDL that prints the Invoice and associated Pack Slips as one report, then use that as the attachment for a Break/Routing print style
I’ve been trying that with little luck…but I do suck at SSRS so that’s half the problem
On the surface it would just be a SSRS report with two Sub reports: ARFOrm, and PackSlip.
It would take a little thinking on how to supress copies of the same pack slip.
But the real problem is that the ARForm is setup to work in batch mode (multiple invoices at once).
So an AR Group that has 5 invoices, prints as one report. Throw a pagenum in the header and and you’ll see what I mean. You’d need to “print” the reports one at a time, so that each only contains a single Invoice.
edit: after a second thought, it wouldn’t be that simple. The RDD for ARForm won’t have the info for producing the PackSlip. You’d need to make an SSRS report that emulates the PackForm, given just the PackNum. This pack slip sub-report would get the packnum from the invoice line (or header)
Yes, that is what I experimented with. I also had tried using a suppressed row that can grow/show a section of formatted text, but I ran into the same problem with the way that AR invoices are grouped.
I can’t remember which it is, but one of CanGrow or CanShrink, is not honored in SSRS. It’s a microsoft thing.
I do have a similar request from one of my customers - for some customers not only send the invoice per e-mail but also the packslip (as attachment).
We are using APR to split the Invoice group in one document per invoice so this problem is solved. Will try to call the packslip report and print that as well (ideally without having to embed it as a subreport as I do not to work it out again because it looks quite fancy and we put a lot of work into it).
Will keep you posted once I make some progress.