ATTN MODERATORS: Polls - Protocol Idea

I second this suggestion. I would like to see polls on various topics.

Such as: Number of employees (< 50, 50 - 250, 250 - 500, > 500), type of
manufacturing (fab, assembly, fab & assembly, process), Biggest issue (MRP,
collecting labor, shop floor control, etc.), How long have you been using
Vantage/eMfg (< 1 yr., < 3 yrs., > 3 yrs.), Success of implementation
expressed as either a percentage or letter grade, General opinion about
Vantage expressed as either a percentage or letter grade.

I'm sure this group could think of a lot more polls.

The benefit is good for the group, but also for new users. It will allow
them to get a feel for what the group thinks and has experienced.

-- Danny Spell
Director of Business Solutions
Flextronics Enclosure Systems

-----Original Message-----
From: Thad Jacobs [mailto:tjacobs@...]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 4:31 PM
To: ''
Subject: [Vantage] ATTN MODERATORS: Polls - Protocol Idea

I'm not a moderator, but I have an idea for polling protocol.

How about we try to use the polling feature of our group as much as
possible, especially when getting input from users on yes / no / multiple
choice questions.

I'm not a moderator, but I have an idea for polling protocol.

How about we try to use the polling feature of our group as much as
possible, especially when getting input from users on yes / no / multiple
choice questions.

However, a user should feel just fine announcing the presence of a new poll,
and giving an explanation of its background through a message on this list.
However, as much as humanly possible, we would respond by going to the polls
rather than each individual user posting an e-mail response.

The user could post the poll's results on a periodic basis, as they deem the
information contained in the poll would serve promote our greater
utilization of Vantage.

I believe polls would be a great help, so we can get headcounts on what
other users think on such decisions as what version of Crystal people are
using, who agrees with a particular change request, and such.

I wonder if it would be possible to grant us normal end users of the group
the access to create polls.

Or we could come up with a system by which a request for a poll could be
processed, hopefully with in a couple of business days.

Just a thought.

Best Regards,

Thaddeus Jacobs
Assistant LAN Technologist / Vantage Support
Kinematic Automation, Inc

P.S. Non-Moderators please only respond to the this message only if you are
suggesting a change to it, or disagree, as not to clutter our precious user

-----Original Message-----
From: Meier, John [mailto:vantageadmin@...]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 1:35 PM
To: ''
Subject: [Vantage] Yahoo Group

I would like to join the Vantage group. Our company uses Vantage and we
would like to use this as a information resource. Please forward the
necessary information to me on joining this group.

John Meier
Nutro Corporation

To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please go to: Note: You must have already
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