Auto-Save Date Part Was Originally Entered

Add a method directive on the Post processing of Part.GetNewPart

Action: set the Part.<part UD date field> of the changed row to the today expression.




Chris Wineinger

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I am working on going live in E10 and I disappointed that they have not added the date a part was entered onto the master table.  They do it for other entry screens.


Anyway, our real reason for wanting this is to review parts as they are entered for correctness.  Yes BPMs help, but some fields are not “programmable.”


In V803 I got around no entry date by using the change log to find the date entered.  This doesn’t work 100% of the time however.


Has anyone found the need for this?  Did you create a BPM to auto-add the date to a UD field?


Would others find this useful?  If so, I could submit an enhancement request.


Doug Oswald

Director of Information Technology


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There are several options...

1. A BPM to auto fill a UD field

2. Change Logs... they will record when the part is created.

3. Some companies use the PART REV table for this purpose. Every part gets a rev. The Revision table already has multiple dates including approved and effective dates.

Tim Shoemaker
Senior Principal Consultant
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<outbind://95/(EmptyReference!)>[Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:image001.gif@...8A43D0]<>

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 11:26 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Auto-Save Date Part Was Originally Entered

I am working on going live in E10 and I disappointed that they have not added the date a part was entered onto the master table. They do it for other entry screens.

Anyway, our real reason for wanting this is to review parts as they are entered for correctness. Yes BPMs help, but some fields are not "programmable."

In V803 I got around no entry date by using the change log to find the date entered. This doesn't work 100% of the time however.

Has anyone found the need for this? Did you create a BPM to auto-add the date to a UD field?

Would others find this useful? If so, I could submit an enhancement request.

Doug Oswald

Director of Information Technology


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Our software guy here added a BPM that e-mails production control every time a new part is entered.  This way someone can check to make sure it is good to go.  Maybe that would help?


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 1:26 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Auto-Save Date Part Was Originally Entered



I am working on going live in E10 and I disappointed that they have not added the date a part was entered onto the master table.  They do it for other entry screens.


Anyway, our real reason for wanting this is to review parts as they are entered for correctness.  Yes BPMs help, but some fields are not “programmable.”


In V803 I got around no entry date by using the change log to find the date entered.  This doesn’t work 100% of the time however.


Has anyone found the need for this?  Did you create a BPM to auto-add the date to a UD field?


Would others find this useful?  If so, I could submit an enhancement request.


Doug Oswald

Director of Information Technology


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It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not copy,
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