Automate Cycle Counting Print Tags

Hi Paula,

I created a BAQ report for printing tags.
I still have to generate the tags manually but...  the BAQR allows for easier print/reprint/schedule.
I remember it as being pretty easy to set up but I'm not at my workstation right now.
Let me know if you want any details & I can forward later.
I am just looking at setting up Cycle counting in one of our warehouses.  The people in charge of the project are hoping the Cycle Count Tags can be sitting on the printer when the employee who will count the parts comes in for the day.  Has anyone automated this process, or know how this could be done?

The problem I am finding is the Generate Tags is on the action menu, so I think it will need to be manually chosen.  Then the Print Tags is also on the actions menu.  It can be scheduled, but since there would be a new cycle every day, each cycle would need to be scheduled and if they were put to the same schedule, it would just print them all.  It seems like it would just be better to print them manually, if this is the only functionality that is available, but I would really like to give them a more automated process.
