I'm glad i'm not the only one!
When I check the system monitor (and view to see error message) it opens fine! so it doesn't provide much info.
When I check the system monitor (and view to see error message) it opens fine! so it doesn't provide much info.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "markbetts66" <markbetts66@...> wrote:
> I had a similar issue. Vantage would fail to autoprint a report, would preview fine, of more than one Report Option was defined in report maintenance. Also check you system monitor it 'may' give you a steer on why it's not working.
> Mark.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Rupert" <r.oo@> wrote:
> >
> > I have a problem with a report we wish to autoprint.
> >
> > The crystal report has a couple of ODBC links (we're on a sql platform) and runs fine when running it manually.
> >
> > The report will also auto-preview correctly when using the auto-print routine, but will not actually print :S
> >
> > I've contacted the epicor help and the only answer I can get is:
> >
> > ...." the reason why the report will work when launched from the error in System Monitor or when using Auto-Preview is because the authentication is done using the logged in user's credentials, whereas Auto-Print will be using the login used to start your OpenEdge Admin service causing an authentication issue and the report print to fail."
> >
> > (btw I've used the usual sysprogress in system agent - still no luck!!!)
> >
> > I've also defined the dsn ODBC link in the report, but have the same result.
> >
> > It is not possible due to the restraints in Vantage to change to a non-ODBC report.
> >
> > Does anyone know of a way around this?
> >