Available to Promise Showing Old Dates

For some parts, Available to Promise is showing entries for very old dates with no relevant data:


Seems off. Any ideas what could be causing this or is this somehow working as intended?

What does time phase show for that part?

Time Phase looks correct (to me). It is showing the records I would expect to see that are informing the 8/29/2024 and 11/14/2024 columns in ATP:

What is your schedule start date when running MRP?

Scheduled Start Date is the day it runs.


That’s really strange. If you do a baq on PartDtl is there anything there for the part that doesn’t show in time phase? I have had to get data fixes to clean up garbage in that table before that was causing strange results.

BAQ on PartDtl returns only the 3 rows you would expect:


Definitely seems like there are some orphan records somewhere just hard to track down I guess.

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