Backup/Restore Epicor in cloud

Good Morning. This will be my first question to the Team.

I have access to an Epicor Cloud Environment (Epicor Cloud ERP – Public Cloud).
I have 3 environments: Production, Pilot and Education.
I want to backup the databases. To have the 3 environments before and after changes.
I understand Transact SQL and I can make the backup with a sentence or Using the SQL Management Studio.
My question is how can I make the connection to the 3 environments?

If I am going to SQL Server Management Studio, and I try to connect to a Database, I need to specify the Server, Database, user and Password.

After that, I will have access and I can execute the backup and restore.

MY QUESTION IS: Do you know where can I find the connection information? Server, Database, User and Password?

I have the user and password to connect as Manager to Epicor.

The environment is an Cloud, then, when I did the installation It was just installed a folder with 3 subfolders for every environment and inside there is the Config Folder with the Config file. Maybe there is a ConnectionString or information I can review to connect.

Thank you!

In the Public cloud you have no control over your database, Epicor manages all that. If you want a backup you need to ask Epicor to do it, but they already do backups all the time.

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You do not have access to the the databases. This is a feature of the SaaS offering. If you need a backup, you can request one of the Cloud Team through EpicCare. Same with a restore.

In the cloud, you need to leave your On-Prem mindset at the door and work within a different framework. If you’re doing heavy development that has to be reset after a some work then I have the Cloud Team backup Live and restore to test. If you need a redo, then they take that same back up and restore again. Another option is to have a third environment separate from Pilot to do development. Like I said, being in the cloud has different constraints than on-prem. There are things you can easily do in one but not the other. For example, it’s easy and less expensive to add capacity in the cloud without affecting your live environment.

I spoke to the Cloud Managers at Insights 2018 about the possibility of making these tasks available on a portal instead of an EpicCare ticket and it sounded like others have asked for this and they seem very open to the idea. We just have to wait and see what happens.

Mark W.

and I think in a certain session at Insights 2019 a friendly Epicor dev gave a preview of something like a customer portal for Cloud to do Data Model Regen type things…

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Thank you Mark.

Thank you Jose.