Wonder if anyone has any ideas how to query BPMs for email addresses for a specific domain?
My first thought was to BpDirective.Body but… when I tried to use MATCHES .mydomain.com
I receive an error “Argument data type xml is invalid for argument 1 of like function”.
Ref screenshot of BAQ and error
If possible, I’d like a simple list of BPM Groups/Names that have email addresses specified.
Just to make it easier to find them when needed. (In this case a domain name is changing soon).
Try making a calc field of type varchar, with the expression convert(varchar, BpDirective.Body)
Then use a Sub query criteria to check the calc field.
I’m not sayin that this will work, it’s just the first thing I’d try.
the above doesn’t work. But the following does:
cast(BpDirective.Body as nvarchar(max))
or skip making a varchar to hold that and directly test it (and using a bit filed to hold the result) with: (case when charindex(@Param1,cast(BpDirective.Body as nvarchar(max))) = 0 then 0 else 1 end)
Then add that calculated bit field to a sub query criteria: