BAQ | Bucket Totals

I am trying to make multiple bucket qty shipped totals for each month for our parts.

Something like this:
Partnum | JanShip | FebShip | MarchShip | …
P-part | 4,352 | 773 | 440,923 | …

Has anyone made something like this? If so, please share as to how.


Your profile says you are on version 6? is that right? This was put in Category for E10 so I am not sure… if you are in E10 then you can use a Pivot Query to do what you need.

Current live DB is 6. We are in the process of integrating to 10.1. I will check out the Pivot Query.

Here you go, this should get you there (BAQ Attached)

ShippedByMonth.baq (26.8 KB)

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