BAQ Cost Rollup

Does anyone know the secret formula to emulate a cost rollup by using a BAQ?
we are std cost and the values I am getting vary wildly from what cost rollup is putting in Part Cost table shown in Part Tracker :frowning:


I know the formula - there is basically no way to do that. Or putting it in different way it is almost impossible to get it in a BAQ (maybe using external BAQ and link it to a SQL query).
Let me explain: in a baq you link some tables, make some calculations and show the results.
Now how do you calculate the cost of a BOM ? Pick even a simple BOM , get the details in an excel and try to calculate the total cost using formulas. If you managed to do this, pick a more complicated BOM where one material is also manufactured from some other materials. If you manage to do this also, now you have the algorithm to put into a BAQ /SQL query.
So it’s not impossible but time needed to build that can be better used learning how to use costing workbench .
