BAQ help needed


Hi I have made a BAQ which is working no problem at all its a simple one but dose the job. Im using PartTran and PORel for a goodsin BAQ Report now here is the Question Finance has seen the BAQ and they like it but have asked for invoice number for out subcons to be added, but i seem to be having a massive issue linking the Invhead, but im not sure if thats is even the right one to use.

Any pointer would be amazing thank you

can you show what you have now? Where are you starting from?

Think you would just join APInvHed to PartTran
(Company = Company AND VendorNum = VendorNum AND InvoiceNum = InvoiceNum)

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… and I’m assuming you want APInvHed (invoices paid to Vendors). InvcHead is the AR side (Invoices sent to customers).

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this is what i have at current

 * Disclaimer!!!
 * This is not a real query being executed, but a simplified version for general vision.
 * Executing it with any other tool may produce a different result.
     when PORel.TranType='PUR-STK' then 'Inventory' 
     when PORel.TranType='PUR-SUB' then 'Sub-contract' 
     else 'Other'
 end) as [Calculated_TranType],
	[PartTran].[PartNum] as [PartTran_PartNum],
	[PartTran].[TranDate] as [PartTran_TranDate],
	[PartTran].[PONum] as [PartTran_PONum],
	[PartTran].[PackSlip] as [PartTran_PackSlip],
	[PartTran].[TranQty] as [PartTran_TranQty],
	[PartTran].[LotNum] as [PartTran_LotNum],
	[PartTran].[ExtCost] as [PartTran_ExtCost]
from Erp.PartTran as PartTran
inner join Erp.PORel as PORel on 
	PartTran.PONum = PORel.PONum
	and PartTran.POLine = PORel.POLine
	and PartTran.PORelNum = PORel.PORelNum
where (PartTran.TranType like 'PUR%')
order by PartTran.SysRevID Desc

I have a similar query. The vendor’s invoice number is in the RcvDtl table (I link by Company, PONum, POLine, and PORelNum to the PORel table)

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You can just bring APInvDtl here. Do another join PORel with APInvDtl using PONum, POLine and PORelNum fields.

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