I have built a baq that uses the JobMtl, SerialNo, and PartTran tables to get the JobMtl_JobNum, JobMtl_MtlSeq, PartTran_LotNum, SerialNo_SerialNum, PartTran_TranReference. The links between the tables are as follows:
I get solid returns on everything but the PartTran_TranReference which comes back blank. I should get a return for this field as its populated in system. My best guess is that one of my joins is not set up correctly. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
All records are accounted for minus the TranRef column. After running the part tran history tracker I do not see an entry for the job Im looking at. But, The Transactions for it should exist as there are ops completed between 6-8-2020 to 8-31-2020.
Turns out its hard for Part Tran History Tracker to accurately pull data if you fat finger it to begin with. Having fixed the part selection issue I see the job and the transaction for 6-8-2020.
It is blank, but showed my problem to someone else and they realized that we are not going to be able to get Pur-stk transactions because we are linking on jobs. Instead I need to add in the receiving detail and pull in the same column name from there.
The initial part of my confusion was that if you look at Lot Tracker I can see the reference column populated thanks for the help Calvin!