Looking to create a BAQ that shows me JUST the next operation at each resource group.
I have created a BAQ showing all Operations per Resource Group that are due to start today, but now I want to limit that (or group) so that I ONLY see operations that are first for that given machine.
Creating a subquery to filter on is difficult because it would need to link to the ResourceGroup table for the grouping, and also the JobOper table for the start time.
I mocked up something that will get a row number and then in your dashboard you can filter only for row 1. I also made it as a subquery and then filtered the main by row 1.
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY JobOpDtl.ResourceGrpID ORDER BY JobOper,StartDate,JobOper.StartHour)
Hi Greg! Much appreciate the response. Seeing that I am on 10.1.500, the import of your file didn’t work.
I was able to add the calculated field as you’ve shown above, and it worked perfectly. Now, instead of creating a filter when viewing the dashboard (baq), it rather it automatically just show Rows = 1. Is that where the subquery comes in?
Is there any chance at all you’d be willing to take just a few screenshots so I can build myself. It would be a life saver.