Having just completed labels for Receipt Entry, it’s time to move onto Inspection Processing. And I have a ‘quick’ question to choose the right path to go down.
When creating the Receipt Labels, I used a Standard Data Directive on RcvDtl to automatically create the .BT (csv) file when a receipt is marked as received.
In doing some client tracing during Inspection processing, I noticed there isn’t any inspected tables to create a data directive against. So the question is:
Do I create a Method Directive on InspProcessing.InspectReceipt?
Do I create a Data Directive on PartTrans, and filter for TransType starting with INS?
Is there another better option that I should look at?
There is a check box on the RcvDtl table called InspectionPending. This box gets unchecked when the inspection is completed and the quantity is moved to stock after inspection. Maybe you can try that table and field.
Actually the ERP.NonConf table is what holds all Inspection records of all types, not just Nonconformances. Run a BAQ against it, you’ll see what I mean. There is a Type field that indicates what type of inspection it is. You could use that.
In the past I have normally almost always used the PartTran table to trigger any transaction related labels and I would evaluate the PartTran.TranType to determine which label to use. I’ve done this for PO/MFG Receipts, Inspection, Return Mtl and Qty Adj. I have found it very reliable and easy since the data structure and required fields are always the same. Actually I think there is already a BarTender RDD too, GenInventory or GenInv I think.
Edit: Almost forgot there is a GenQA BarTender RDD already there, just trigger it off of a PartTran Data Directive.
Thanks for the information regarding the NonConf table, @Rick_Bird that could be useful information down the road.
After posting this, I spent some time looking at the PartTran tablet and had pretty much decided that it had 90% of the information I needed. Thanks for verifying that! Sort of wish I had thought about using it for receipt entry as well, it might have been a tad bit simpler. However, that project is complete and working, and I learned a lot along the way.
Maybe sometime when I’m out of projects (ha!), I’ll re-write it to use PartTran.