Bartender - Rename file 0 kb

Has any one seen where in Bartender when the .txt file is generated and gets renamed by Commander, the file gets renamed but the file size is set to 0 kb and does not print? We can print directly from Bartender but not when the file gets renamed with a 0 kb file size.

What version of BarTender?

Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

Version: 9.4 SR3
Build: 2871
OS: Windows Server 2008 (x64) R2, SP1

Dang that’s an old version. Those 9.x’s were a bit flakey. Was it purchased from Epicor? I would jump to BarTender 10.1 if you can do it at no additional cost before troubleshooting anything. Just make sure you don’t go to the absolute latest version it doesn’t always play nice in my experience. It has some good concepts just needs a bit of time.

Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

When we manually upload the .txt file, it renames it correctly and prints. It is only happening at the time of generating the .txt file automatically that it renames it incorrectly. Seems to be happening with one particular customer label and not others and just started happening recently.

Find out what’s different about that Label. Epicor will output the file the same for every single one. I would suspect the RDD unless it’s been custom coded.

Joshua Giese
Technology Solutions : CTO
Direct Phone: 920.593.8299
Office Phone: 920.437.6400 x342

If you turn off processing in Bartender - does the text file appear properly? (I.e is the failure caused by Epicor or the processing in BT) If it does, does the label file it references on the top line exist? May want to just double check the report data definitions for that label as well.

The text file appears but then gets renamed and consumed upon the Detection process in Commander. Once the file gets renamed, the file is 0 kb so there is nothing in the file to reference the top line exists. Is it possible the text file is actually 0 kb upon generating or when it gets renamed, it gets converted to 0 kb.

Seems like I saw that happen before. What happens if you disable commander

It looks like if we print multiple tags, the first two prints but the last one’s don’t print correctly when the trigger file gets renamed with a 0 kb file size.

File access issue? If BarTender (BT) is processing, and you try to write, it’s going to fail. Perhaps a delay is in order

Where do we set the delay for when printing multiple tags?

Good question. Are you using autoprint to generate the BT files or doing it all manually with C#?

Also, can you clarify “print multiple tags” - Do you mean same tag several times (print qty), or several different tags?

I believe we are using the autoprint process in the custom code. Where is the delay set in the autoprint?

In our Pack ID if there are multiple lines such as 11 lines, it will generate 4 tags since all 11 lines can’t fit into one tag. So it is different tags for different lines on the same Pack ID.

I need someone to tell if me if this is bad advice (@josecgomez.trigemco @Bart_Elia):

F the issue is a BPM is triggering too fast MAYBE we could insert a small delay at the end of BPM processing using C# code. Honestly I don’t understand how the firing of the BPMs work, whether more than one of the same type can be active at once. It’s a thought.

:cry: Yep bad advice lol

Of course you didn’t say this was in a BPM, is this a manual print?

Personally, I was not happy with the way BT and Epicor played so I decided to manually create my BT trigger files with C# code. If you go that route, you have full flexibility over everything, including timing)

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Yeha this is a bad idea :slight_smile: don’t slow epicor down any more than you have to LoL

This is a long thread and I am tired… SIGH I’ll see if I can make time to read it later

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ok it wasn’t that long I was just being lazy

Anyways a few questions

  1. If you turn off Commander and run the auto print and you look at the fire before its renamed, is the file ok then?
  2. What does your Epicor setup look like? Are you using Auto print? Can you show us your setup?

Where is the auto print setup in Epicor to provide the setup info?

I believe commander just renames it exactly as is…so if the file gets generated as 0 kb it isn’t an issue with commander?

Maybe … But it would be good to verify . If you can turn off commander and look at the file before is renamed… Just to cover your basis