I’m a new epicor user with a little experience in programming. right now as we ECO BOM’S at my company standard procedure is to have doc control update the BOMs in epicor and save each one manually as a PDF and upload them to a directory that anyone in the company can access. for one BOM that’s not an issue, but when we’re dealing with 10 or 20 BOMs the task can be arduous.
is there any way to batch save the BOMs that we require as PDF’s to one folder??
If you need individual PDF’s you’ll need to use Advance Printing with Break Routing, and Break on the parent part number. With Adv Break Routing, you could set the name of the PDF too.
I assume your workstation has a “PDF printer”, You can print it to that “printer”.
And without the Adv Breaking Routing, it’s going to make that as a single PDF document that you’d then heve to separate into individual Docs (if you need it in 1 PDF per Assy)
You’re an Epicor guru! Appreciate all the help. I finally got it working, you were right. I wasn’t selecting the revisions for the parts I entered in. this is perfect and it helps me a lot!! thanks!