Thanks very much ....this is really helpful :)
On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Chris Thompson <chriselectrix@...>wrote:
> Hi.
> This is an easy script. Why does it need to be manually ran? Why not
> schedule
> it?
> It take about 5-10 minutes on a 7GB DB.
> We do ours daily and back them up to an individual file - Monday's goes to
> Monday folder etc. We then have Thursday 1-4 so we can always restore to a
> month
> previous if we need to.
> This is the script for Monday's - I will explain the important lines below
> it.
> NB: I hold no responsibility if this causes any damage to your data or
> hardware
> etc. Use at your own risk. It works perfectly well for us so there is no
> reason
> why it shouldnt for you, but I would advise testing on the 'test' DB or
> server.
> @echo off
> rem Epicor BACKMFG.BAT createc:07/98 JE - editec: 11/20/02
> rem
> rem This .bat script requires modification by the system administrator
> rem to include the correct paths and dirctory locations.
> rem
> rem NOTh:
> rem Drive letter of database be a physical drive, not mapped.
> rem Drive letter of backup copy can be physical or mapped,
> rem on server or across network.
> rem
> rem General syntax of BACKMFG.BAT does the following:
> rem 1) Surpress screen display (echo off)
> rem 2) Drive letter locating the MFGBKUP.BAT file.
> rem 3) Directory path to the MFGBKUP.BAT file.
> rem 4) Call of MFGBKUP to do the backup "online"
> rem of c:\path\mfgsys.db database to c:\backupdir\backup.file.
> rem
> rem System admin should EDIT the following:
> rem a) Change DRIVE LETTER to drive where
> rem directory oe100b\BIN\MFGBKUP.BAT is located.
> rem b) Verify path to Mfgsys60\oe100b\bin and edit if necessary.
> rem c) Edit drive letter and path to database location.
> rem d) Edit drive letter and path to where back should be placed
> rem e) Create the BACKUP directory where backup file will be placed
> rem f) copy the BACKMFG.BAT file OUT of the Mfgsys60 folder and paste
> rem it into any other directory were it will be called on.
> rem (i.e. Backup, oe100b\Bin, scripts, etc.)
> echo Running Epicor Vantage live ONLINE Backup...
> @echo off
> e:\epicor904\oe101c\bin\_mprshut e:\epicor904\db\mfgsys -C backup online
> e:\epicor904\backed_up_files\live\Monday\live_online_backup_mon.1 %4 %5 %6
> %7 %8
> %9 >> e:\epicor904\backed_up_files\live\Monday\live_online_backup_mon.Wri
> echo Running Verify...
> @echo off
> e:\epicor904\oe101c\bin\_dbutil prorest e:\epicor904\db\mfgsys
> e:\epicor904\backed_up_files\live\Monday\live_online_backup_mon.1 -vp >>
> e:\epicor904\backed_up_files\live\Monday\live_online_verify_mon.wri
> @echo off & setlocal
> :: set the temp file location
> set tempmail=%temp%\tempmail.%random%.txt
> :: echo the basic headers to the temp file
> echo To: "Backup Users" ^<backup.users@...<backup.users%40yourdomain.local>^>
> > %tempmail%
> echo From: "Backup Programme" ^<no-reply@...<no-reply%40yourdomain.local>^>
> >> %tempmail%
> echo Subject: Monday - Epicor 9 Live Online Backup >> %tempmail%
> :: echo the blank line that separates the header from the body text
> echo.>>%tempmail%
> :: echo the body text to the temp file
> echo The Monday backup for Epicor 9 (Live) Online backup has taken place.>>
> %tempmail%
> echo Please check the 'backup' and 'verify' documents (using Wordpad) for
> any
> errors - \\server\epicor_folder\backed_up_files\live\Monday.>> %tempmail%
> echo If there are any errors present, please consult with the other Backup
> Users.>> %tempmail%
> :: move the temp file to the mail pickup directory
> :: adjust this location for your system
> move %tempmail% C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Pickup
> set tempmail=
> endlocal
> Path for Open Edge 'bin' folder on the server.
> Path to the 'live' database.
> Path to the location of where you want the backup to be created - in our
> case
> backed_up_files/live/monday - followed whatever you want to call the file -
> ours
> is live_online_backup_mon
> This is the location and name for the verification file (which tells you
> how
> many blocks have been written etc). Ours is in the same location as the
> backup
> file.
> Path to Open Edge.
> Everything in red is so the script sends an automatic email to confirm that
> the
> backup has taken place.
> ________________________________
> From: lam lam <lamlyew@... <>>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thu, 27 January, 2011 5:59:54
> Subject: [Vantage] Batch script to backup Progress database
> Hi all
> Is there anybody who can help me out on this matter?
> We have a client whose level of IT knowledge is poor. They request for a
> batch script to backup their progress database into a specific folder in
> the
> server. The accountant will run this script before she leaves work and we
> have programmed the server to copy the contents of the folder into a backup
> external hard disk at 0200 am every day.
> Is there a way to create this script?
> --
> Rgds
> -Lam-
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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